Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Understanding the Needs of a Stroke Survivor

Caring for a sick loved one is a very hard task for any member of the family. The love the binds the family members will always be there and everybody will really try to do their best to help a sick loved one’s situation get better. Unfortunately, love is not enough to help the sick family member get better.  The care and attention that professional care givers are important if we really want to help the sick loved one gain back even at least a portion of what he once was before getting sick. One valuable help that cannot be taken lightly is from a Physiotherapist in Singapore.
What to expect when an aged loved one losses function of his limbs

One of the most common afflictions that an old member of our family experiences as he ages is a Stroke. A stroke is a medical condition where a patient losses oral and physical function of parts of the body because some brain cells died because lack of oxygen. It can also be because of a ruptured artery in the brain because of an obstruction (ie. blood clot).  The result of a Stroke depends on the severity of the damage and it can happen to anyone especially those above 55 years old. Of course even the younger people these days suffer from stroke as well because of an unhealthy lifestyle but as the years go by the possibility of having a stroke increases. For those who survived a stroke, the results vary from weakness of a limb to being paralyzed and losing sensation and movement to major parts of the body.

If a person losses mobility because of a stroke, expect a lot of emotional roller coaster rides.  This is especially true if the patient was a strong willed and independent person. Not being able to take care of yourself and do even the most basic everyday things that people do can be very frustrating. Imagine not being able to hold your spoon and knife, brush your teeth, walk straight, brush your hair and other everyday simple things we do that we take for granted before but you can’t do anymore.  It is as if you become a child again and utterly dependent on other people to do these things for you.

What help you can extend for a family member who survived a stroke

The best way to help a loved one who suffered a stroke is to hire a Physiotherapist in Singapore.  A Physiotherapist will teach the patient how to regain his strength and get back the use of his paralyzed body parts. Of course there is no 100% guarantee that the same function and strength of the limbs prior to the stroke will be regained but there is a very big possibility that the damaged limbs can be used again.  Although there are no guarantees but the mere fact that somebody is focusing all his energy to make the patient get well is an encourage enough to continue moving forward.

It is expected that the patient will try to resist the programs that his Physiotherapist will recommend him to do.  Some of these exercises can be painful and definitely frustrating.  Imagine having to practice lifting up an empty plastic cup every session for over a month and still nothing happens – that is what a patient has to go through during his sessions together with his Physiotherapist in Singapore. As a family member, what you can do is to just support and try to understand the erratic mood swings and frustrations. After all, there really is nothing you can do but to give love, support and understanding.

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