Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Exploring a Career as a Physiotherapist

For young people who are inclined to go into the medical fiend but still unsure what to take up in college, you might want to consider becoming a Physiotherapist in Singapore. Becoming a Physiotherapist in Singapore is a great career opportunity because there are lots of opportunities to find a job. A Physiotherapist is not limited to working at hospitals, homes for the aged and clinics because even sports organizations are in need of in house Physiotherapists to care for their athletes.

What to expect when working as a Physiotherapist

When working at the home for the aged, a Physiotherapist is expected to care for the physical therapy needs of the old people under the care of the facility. Some of these old folks have lost the ability to use their hands or feet and depending on the Doctor’s recommendation the Physiotherapist may be asked to evaluate the needs of the patient. Once the initial evaluation is done, the Physiotherapist is expected to recommend exercises that will help strengthen the patient’s muscles and use of their limbs.  They will also be needed massages and exercises that will target the muscles that have not been used for a long time.

Working with the elderly is a very challenging scenario for a Physiotherapist.  Patience and an extra dose of understanding and care are needed so that the needs of the patients are met. It is so easy to lose your patience and snap when working with the elderly especially as some of them are suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer.  The social and psychological aspects of staying inside the home care will also be a part of a Physiotherapist’s responsibility as it part and parcel of the overall well-being of the patient.

If this is not something that you want, you can still pursue a career as a Physiotherapist in Singapore. Sports Clubs and Sports Organizations employ Physiotherapists to help them take care of injured athletes. These professional athletes tend to abuse their bodies through training and the different competitions that they enter and they need people like a Physiotherapist to make sure that they don’t overdo it and that they do their sports the right way. A wrong posture and a wrong stance can injure an athlete and a therapist should be there to correct it and to prevent the athlete from injuring himself.

Benefits of being a Physiotherapist

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to serve your countrymen through helping them with take care of their movement and the function of their different body parts and muscles, a Physiotherapist in Singapore can earn a lot as well. Physiotherapists will not be in want of a job because he can work in a hospital, clinic or even go on private practice. For as long as a person lives, he will be in need of the services of a Physiotherapist no matter how young or how old he is. If you think that this is something that you can do for a very long time, then you might want to consider going into the medical field by becoming a Physiotherapist.

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