Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Osteopathy or Physiotherapy: What is the Best Option Between the Two?

Accidents, injuries and chronic and acute disorders are common realities that a part of the general population faces. The good thing about it is that with the advancements in science and in medicine, we do not necessarily have to be left behind in terms of treatments and the alleviation of pain caused by these medical conditions.

A lot of people find it hard to differentiate Osteopathy and physiotherapy from one another. Although both branches of medicine technically deal with the alleviation of pain associated with musculoskeletal and visceral injuries, their philosophies and specific approaches make the difference. Osteopathy is a holistic approach towards the treatment of musculoskeletal and visceral dysfunctions.

It is a branch of medicine on its own and does not delve simply into short series of techniques that will be applied to the body. In order to provide holistic medical care, an osteopath would see to it to treat the body as a whole on the treatment of a dysfunction. It is not simply concerned with the treatments and relief of a certain symptom, but it makes sure that the dysfunctions are permanently cured and guaranteed not to recur. In order to achieve and restore this sense of harmony and balance in the body, osteopaths consider as well the psychological and social aspects of the patient in order to arrive at the best diagnosis.

Physiotherapy, on the other hand, is focused solely on the management and evaluation of health conditions for patients of all ages. A licensed Physio singapore bears the task of showing the patient the different kinds of treatments and movements that are designed to restore full function and use of body parts that may otherwise have been compromised due to age, the instance of accidents, injuries, health conditions, health disorders and more. Unlike osteopath, physiotherapist singapore do not provide the diagnosis for the patient. They simply facilitate the forms of physical therapy for the patients to be able to do as well once they are out of hospital grounds.

If you have constant bouts or complaints of knee pains or leg discomforts, it may be an excellent idea to consult an osteopath first for a complete checkup and diagnosis. Remember, osteopaths are licensed medical practitioners who can readily diagnose and prescribe your plan of treatment on the fly. If you seek a physiotherapist immediately, he or she might decide on a series of physical therapies without conscious regard to the functions your hips, your back, your ankles or your legs might contribute to your current pain in the knees. An osteopath will always think as your body as a large system where the different parts of your body is meant to explain your discomfort. Seek an osteopath first for a holistic medical program, and then once you are confident with the treatment plan, have your osteopath recommend you to a licensed physiotherapist to teach you all the movements and techniques you need to know so you can do the therapy yourself at the comfort of your own home.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Begin a Healthy Lifestyle by Walking

The young working class of Singapore and that of every part of the world has finally decided that they cannot just go on with the normal busyness of their daily lives. The Yuppies, or Young Professionals, have been working hard for the longest time and they know that they have been stressing their lives for far too long. The age group of these young people range from 25-40 years old and their common denominator is that they are working too hard and enjoying life too little and because of this reason they try to cram in a week’s worth of physical activities over the weekend. This weekend physical over exertion is worrisome to any Physiotherapist in Singapore.
How to start becoming physically active.

For somebody who is not physically active most of his life a sudden change in physical activity should never be drastic. Any Physiotherapist in Singapore will tell you that activities should begin with baby steps. Never should a person overdo himself thinking that he can make up for lost time of non-activity for years in the past. If you have been living a sedentary life then the best way to start doing a physical activity is to walk for about 15 minutes at least three times a week. This is especially true if you have been used to sitting in front of a computer for eight hours a day and then lazing off in the couch to watch TV when you get home. A 15-minute walk is enough to start you off.

Before you begin walking, do some stretches first. Stretch your arms, legs and muscles and then start walking at a leisurely space. You may think that 15 minutes of leisure walk is useless just remember that this is only the beginning. You are going to exert more effort once your body has been accustomed to doing this physical activity.

On your second week, you can start adding another 15 minutes to your regular walk. This time you can also increase the pace of your walk. Always remember to do some stretching before you begin walking. The first five minutes of your walk can be done in a slow pace then start brisk walking for the next 20 minutes and use the remaining five minutes to cool down.

Once you feel that a 30-minute routine is so ordinary for you then that is the time that you can increase your physical activity and maybe take on a more strenuous sport like running, cycling, swimming, basketball and the likes. It is also advisable that you don’t do just one sport so that you don’t strain just a certain muscle group. You need to pair your walking with swimming or cycling with running so that you get to strengthen all the muscle groups and give your body the much needed balance for it to be healthy. Whatever kind of exercise you choose to do just always remember what any Physiotherapist in Singapore will tell you – start every activity with stretching exercises and walk before you run.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Exploring a Career as a Physiotherapist

For young people who are inclined to go into the medical fiend but still unsure what to take up in college, you might want to consider becoming a Physiotherapist in Singapore. Becoming a Physiotherapist in Singapore is a great career opportunity because there are lots of opportunities to find a job. A Physiotherapist is not limited to working at hospitals, homes for the aged and clinics because even sports organizations are in need of in house Physiotherapists to care for their athletes.

What to expect when working as a Physiotherapist

When working at the home for the aged, a Physiotherapist is expected to care for the physical therapy needs of the old people under the care of the facility. Some of these old folks have lost the ability to use their hands or feet and depending on the Doctor’s recommendation the Physiotherapist may be asked to evaluate the needs of the patient. Once the initial evaluation is done, the Physiotherapist is expected to recommend exercises that will help strengthen the patient’s muscles and use of their limbs.  They will also be needed massages and exercises that will target the muscles that have not been used for a long time.

Working with the elderly is a very challenging scenario for a Physiotherapist.  Patience and an extra dose of understanding and care are needed so that the needs of the patients are met. It is so easy to lose your patience and snap when working with the elderly especially as some of them are suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer.  The social and psychological aspects of staying inside the home care will also be a part of a Physiotherapist’s responsibility as it part and parcel of the overall well-being of the patient.

If this is not something that you want, you can still pursue a career as a Physiotherapist in Singapore. Sports Clubs and Sports Organizations employ Physiotherapists to help them take care of injured athletes. These professional athletes tend to abuse their bodies through training and the different competitions that they enter and they need people like a Physiotherapist to make sure that they don’t overdo it and that they do their sports the right way. A wrong posture and a wrong stance can injure an athlete and a therapist should be there to correct it and to prevent the athlete from injuring himself.

Benefits of being a Physiotherapist

Aside from the obvious benefit of being able to serve your countrymen through helping them with take care of their movement and the function of their different body parts and muscles, a Physiotherapist in Singapore can earn a lot as well. Physiotherapists will not be in want of a job because he can work in a hospital, clinic or even go on private practice. For as long as a person lives, he will be in need of the services of a Physiotherapist no matter how young or how old he is. If you think that this is something that you can do for a very long time, then you might want to consider going into the medical field by becoming a Physiotherapist.

Understanding the Needs of a Stroke Survivor

Caring for a sick loved one is a very hard task for any member of the family. The love the binds the family members will always be there and everybody will really try to do their best to help a sick loved one’s situation get better. Unfortunately, love is not enough to help the sick family member get better.  The care and attention that professional care givers are important if we really want to help the sick loved one gain back even at least a portion of what he once was before getting sick. One valuable help that cannot be taken lightly is from a Physiotherapist in Singapore.
What to expect when an aged loved one losses function of his limbs

One of the most common afflictions that an old member of our family experiences as he ages is a Stroke. A stroke is a medical condition where a patient losses oral and physical function of parts of the body because some brain cells died because lack of oxygen. It can also be because of a ruptured artery in the brain because of an obstruction (ie. blood clot).  The result of a Stroke depends on the severity of the damage and it can happen to anyone especially those above 55 years old. Of course even the younger people these days suffer from stroke as well because of an unhealthy lifestyle but as the years go by the possibility of having a stroke increases. For those who survived a stroke, the results vary from weakness of a limb to being paralyzed and losing sensation and movement to major parts of the body.

If a person losses mobility because of a stroke, expect a lot of emotional roller coaster rides.  This is especially true if the patient was a strong willed and independent person. Not being able to take care of yourself and do even the most basic everyday things that people do can be very frustrating. Imagine not being able to hold your spoon and knife, brush your teeth, walk straight, brush your hair and other everyday simple things we do that we take for granted before but you can’t do anymore.  It is as if you become a child again and utterly dependent on other people to do these things for you.

What help you can extend for a family member who survived a stroke

The best way to help a loved one who suffered a stroke is to hire a Physiotherapist in Singapore.  A Physiotherapist will teach the patient how to regain his strength and get back the use of his paralyzed body parts. Of course there is no 100% guarantee that the same function and strength of the limbs prior to the stroke will be regained but there is a very big possibility that the damaged limbs can be used again.  Although there are no guarantees but the mere fact that somebody is focusing all his energy to make the patient get well is an encourage enough to continue moving forward.

It is expected that the patient will try to resist the programs that his Physiotherapist will recommend him to do.  Some of these exercises can be painful and definitely frustrating.  Imagine having to practice lifting up an empty plastic cup every session for over a month and still nothing happens – that is what a patient has to go through during his sessions together with his Physiotherapist in Singapore. As a family member, what you can do is to just support and try to understand the erratic mood swings and frustrations. After all, there really is nothing you can do but to give love, support and understanding.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Say Goodbye to Pain with Physio Singapore

Whether it is a dull, throbbing, piercing, shooting or aching pain, it will only get of poorer quality than you think if you try to endure it or if you just want to ignore it as if it does not exist; and so I quote what J.K Rowling mentioned in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”  Although we can run some miles trying to decipher and explain such a quote but taking its context of pain, it is not a little thing… it is something and more. 

We are familiar with how pain can destroy our disposition, how we think, and the way we deal with other people; whether you admit it or not, “numbing the pain” is not the perfect choice you can make but there is another option you can choose because what you need is to see a team that has a vast experience and uses the most modern treatment approaches. 


Physio Singapore uses a high quality and evidence based therapy that does not only provide a temporary treatment to pain but it treats the root-cause of it providing a long-term relief to the patients. You can expect a Hands-On Treatment where you will be involved with the various activities such as gentle manipulation that will help you out in reclaiming movements that are pain free in your soft tissues and joints.

Pain should be managed, it should be corrected, and it should not be in your body as if tormenting you little by little until you cannot take it anymore. How familiar are you with the consequences of not consulting the right people who knows how to handle pain? One cannot just be passive about the whole experience. Try dealing with a lower back pain and you can know for certain that what started as a little pain turned into something that can cripple you in performing your best at work, it will limit you to accomplish your chores the quickest time possible, and it can prevent you for living your life to the fullest. 

For Physio Singapore, the well-being of their patients is always the top priority and what is better than partnering with you, with your healing process and helps you take control. With experts who analyze your movement which can determine your areas of tightness and weaknesses, a corresponding exercise regimen will be required to facilitate your speedy recovery.

The more you know about what causes your pain and the better your understand how you can manage it, the more you can take part in the treatment process on how you will eliminate also chances of experiencing it all over. A wealth of education about your condition will be explained extensively in the initial stages of your consultation helping you to overcome your pain or present debilitating injury that causes a real amount of discomfort and return your body into its normal and optimum level of function using the highest quality of multidisciplinary approach available through Physio Singapore.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Reviews about physiotherapy in Singapore

Physiotherapy is an integral part of patient care and treatment. This is also the reason that it has been instructed to include some specific components and follow specific protocols. With consistent innovation and discoveries in the field of physiotherapy Singapore, back ache sufferers have a reason to celebrate! An advanced physical therapy treatment has been introduced to offer patients, good relief from back ache. Physiotherapy can make back ache disappear totally!

Physiotherapy has become a common choice among doctors, these days, especially for back pain referrals. These are ordered to minimize pain and strengthen the muscles that surround the spine. Significant relief is also offered to supportive core muscles.

With the help of physiotherapist Singapore, all of the serious, long-term back problems and other types of chronic pain can be a thing of past. Any pain that has not witnessed success through a variety of treatment options can definitely be benefitted by physiotherapy. The treatment option is very effective. The treatment option is safe and does not produce any side effects.
Most experienced specialists start the treatment with an evaluation of patient's condition. The assessment session also includes a serious review of medical history of the patient in conjunction with a physical examination. 

Physiotherapists in Singapore also consider review medical history of the patient. Physical examination is more objective and helps in diagnosing other symptoms. After the physical examination, the physiotherapists analyze the results to determine the exact problems faced by the patients. This usually range from very minor issues, such as damaged muscles, tissues, pulled muscles, to major injuries and even nerve damage that results in pain and lack of mobility. 

Prior to actually deciding on a physiotherapy service, it is crucial to go through review. Patients who have already used these services give their opinions on websites. Reviews about physiotherapy in Singapore can be found on websites of service providers. These reviews can give you an idea of the credibility of the institution and customer service offered. Make sure you reach out to the most reputed physiotherapy Singapore professional for the treatment.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why is it Important to Injured Athletes Go for Physiotherapy?

The extravagant gizmos are just varieties of aids that lessen the impression or the likelihood of the unavoidable pains. Instruction with a coach, attempting to run with a wonderful sort, stretching ahead of-and-immediately after trainings, somehow, somewhere along that line, you are likely to get cramps, hamstring pulls, and many others. Human err every day, you can never escape accidents no subject how fantastic you are.

There are three principal good reasons why athletes must go for physiotherapy. It provides right therapy to the injury, aids more quickly recovery and contributes to one's functionality.

Appropriate remedy to the injury

Physiotherapy Singapore aids presents suitable treatment to the precise injuries. In Root Concepts, the injury is first recognized by the physiotherapist singapore, discussed to the purchaser utilizing charts, diagrams and finally, how to maintain your injuries at bay. Massages will be accomplished to the part exactly where it hurts to enhance the objective. Suggestions on stretchings and the different sorts are supplied to the athlete so that he/she can do it themselves at home.

Importance of physiotherapy and the recovery fee

The relevance of physiotherapy in recovering from harm can not be in excess of-emphasised the smallest harm reacts positively to physical therapy and even really serious damage can mend properly and rapidly devoid of the will need for any other medicine or cure. But with physiotherapy, the overall procedure is quickened and it gets you again onto the track more quickly. For illustration, people suffering from back again pain encourages physiotherapy since it gives more rapidly aid and facilitates the patient's recovery by massage, uncomplicated to apply exercises and stretches, warmth therapy and traction. Physiotherapy pays interest to not just reduction from discomfort, but also to protecting against additionally injuries.

Previously, physicians and health-related institutions did not give physiotherapy its because of recognition, since of the extensive range of accessible medicine (approved or purchased) and also simply because of distrust. Not everyone is comfortable with physiotherapy as they may perceive it as 'useless' or "how can a several massages get my injury to heal?!" Now, although they may from time to time debate the significance of physiotherapy, both the healthcare gurus and sufferers are agreeable to using it to support restoration.

Contribution to overall performance

Let's say for the although year round, you have been coaching, ingesting and resting well.

Then, do you still will need to go for physiotherapy?

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a health care technique and commitment to assist individuals, restore,
maintain, and maximize their physical strength. The process also ensures excellent function,
enhanced rang of mobility and overall well-being. The process is undertaken by skilled,
trained, and certified physiotherapist Singapore. A majority of individuals who contact
physiotherapists are in pain, extreme discomfort, have suffered an injury or experiencing
symptoms or effects of a disease.

There are many benefits of undergoing a physiotherapy treatment.

Eased out Pain

The technique is highly effective in eliminating/minimizing pain depending on the severity of
condition. The patients can stop worrying about pain. Trained physiotherapist Singapore can
help you lead a healthy and pain free life.

Enhanced Function

You need to use your body daily to indulge in day to day activities at home and at work.
Right from lifting babies to running around home, climbing stairs, driving for long hours and
spending endless hours in the kitchen, our body endures a lot of exertion. This leads to pain
and other problems of muscles. Physiotherapy can help you relieve stress and pain.

Restoration of Muscle Flexibility

You require full range of motion to ensure day to day function. Physiotherapy can help you
enjoy ease of movement via restoring muscle flexibility.

Restoration of Strength

The technique will help you undertake all your necessary activities without fear of injury.

Enhanced Endurance

This is something really important to enjoy day to day activities. The treatment will help you
gain more energy and enjoy a stress free life!

Play your Favorite Sport

So you left playing your favorite sport? Physiotherapist Singapore will help you revive your
passion and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Other Benefits

•Enhances overall body strength
•Rehabilitation from sports injuries
•Aiding speedy recovery post injury
•Recovery pre and post surgery
•Chronic pain maintenance
•Reducing headaches
•Enhanced respiratory functions
•A lot more

Physiotherapy is a medical procedure and should be conducted only by trained, certified and
experienced physiotherapists. Physiotherapist Singapore can help you easy management and
prevention of many physical problems caused by a disease, illness, injuries resulting from
sports and work, aging, and extended periods of inactivity.

A Different Kind of Healthcare Called Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy or bodily solution is a variety of bodily treatment and rehabilitation and healthcare gurus instruction this sort of total wellbeing remedy are called physiotherapists, frequently recognized as in small as PTs.

Physiotherapists singapore typically diagnose and handle patients of all ages who have physical  ailments that restrict their abilities to move and conduct helpful actions successfully. Physiotherapists when consulted will seem at the affected person anxious and then construct a prepared treatment to handle the capacity to transfer, help soreness, restore functional actions and commonly durations even stop disabilities.

Physiotherapists also function with clients to stop the reduction of actions even prior to it happens by well being and wellness offers for much more wholesome and additional energetic lifestyles, in specific amongst the elderly inhabitants of the contemporary modern society. These wellness specialists enjoy very critical roles wherever purposeful movements of individuals are threatened or induced by the increasing more mature method, conditions and mishaps.

The science of physiotherapy is targeted on maximizing the fantastic top quality of existence and motion possible by preventive remedy or intervention and rehabilitation. This will consist of covering the bodily wellness, emotional, psychological and social well being of the afflicted personal included. Most physiotherapist singapore also perform carefully with other healthcare and wellness-linked professionals like this type of as medical practitioners and orthopedic surgeons.

Just like healthcare specialists, physiotherapies also have their individual specialties this kind of as in geriatrics, cardiopulmonary, neurology, orthopedic and even pediatrics just to name a handful of specialties. Because of the broad array of treatment choices they can practice, physiotherapists singapore can and do function in a substantial range of settings this sort of as in hospitals, individual clinics, colleges, sports actions clubs and gyms.

The recovery and relieve from pain or situations introduced about by physiotherapy cure may nicely  approach not be quick but the impact can be seen in the more time phrase. Treatment options are not generally symptomatic but also tackle the root result in of difficulties. Patient's recovery price may possibly vary from particular person to person. Individuals have slight injuries might recuperate far more speedily, but these individuals who has severe case could think about a prolonged time to recover or not at all dependent on how severe is the ailment.

In the remedy method less than a physiotherapist, the attitudes and beliefs of the patient also constitute an critical component in the recovery to exceptional wellness and mobility. Patient need to believe that and trust that the physiotherapist can help them to purchase their total wellness. Listening to the physio's recommendations, acceptable self-remedy handle and correct adhere to up treatments is the vital to recovery. Similarly the client and physiotherapist should get the work done effectively alongside an additional for any solution to be successful.